The Law Offices of Glen S. Barry, P.C. represent personal injury victims in Philadelphia, PA and the surrounding areas. Accessibility is our priority and we guarantee that every client will speak with an attorney when they call.
Our Specialty
We represent clients who have been seriously injured by of the negligence or misconduct of another. We have helped hundreds of injured clients like you recover much-needed compensation. Let us put our knowledge and experience to work for you.
Why Contact a Personal Injury Attorney?
If you have been hurt, do not seek compensation on your own. Put your case in the hands of compassionate and skilled attorneys. Contact the personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Glen Barry today for a free initial consultation.
Personal Attention, to Help You Recover
We limit the size of our case load so that we can focus on each client. You are not a case or a number you are a person who has been injured. Our job is to make sure that you recover payment for those injuries. We handle all the paperwork for an injury claim, following up, negotiating, or litigating as needed to resolve your case
Our Legal Services Include:
- Auto Accidents – Car accidents, truck accidents, drunk driver accidents, drunk driver injuries, drunk driver deaths, uninsured drivers, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, bus accidents, taxi accidents, passengers and pedestrians.
- Personal Injury – Slip and fall, trip and fall, premises liability (injuries in apartments, business offices, shopping malls, retail stores, restaurants, government buildings, parking lots, parking garages, etc), wrongful death, fractures, burns, injuries to children, injuries to the elderly, dog bite claims, nursing home negligence, nursing home abuse, work related injuries, and all other serious injuries.
- SEPTA Injuries – All SEPTA related injuries, buses, trains, trolleys, paratransit, passengers and pedestrians.
Call the Law Offices of Glen S. Barry, P.C. at 215-569-2636 to schedule a free legal consultation.